We have been featured in the following Media Channels:
Georgia On ABC News Chicago February 2013
Georgia On NBC News Chicago February 2011
Georgia's story about her hair loss and her company was featured on ABC and NBC.

Georgia was featured in an article about handmade beauty products in the Chicagoland area.
In Today's Chicago Woman December 2011.

Georgia spoke About Hair Loss in an article of the Chicago Defender September 2012 Issue
Georgia was featured on WVON radio Chicago June 2012
Ashley, Georgia & Larry (Pictured.
The Ashley Lauren Product line launched at Whole Foods Market June 2012.

February 2012...Georgia was featured in an article about alopecia
February 2012...Georgia was featured in an article about Ashley Lauren in Evanston Round Table
July 2010...Georgia was featured in an article in Rolling Out Magazine regarding natural hair care products